Kanazawa city/round-trip tour
Kanazawa city/round-trip tour

Kanazawa city/round-trip tour

Kanazawa city/round-trip tour

Prices include tax. Same price for up to 9 people, driver included
You can change the departure time to any time you like (however, we do not recommend departing after 9:00 in order to make the most of your time)
Driver’s daily allowance, expressway fee, gasoline fee, parking fee included
Extension is 5,000 yen per hour.
Departure and arrival in Takayama City (Departure and dissolution locations can be specified at hotels, stations, etc. in Takayama City. Ending and disembarking in Kanazawa City is also possible)

9:00 Depart from hotel (Takayama city)
11:00 Kanazawa City/Kenrokuen/Kanazawa Castle Park
12:30 Lunch
14:00 Omicho Market
15:00 Higashi Chaya District
16:00 Samurai residence
18:00 Return to hotel (Takayama city) or end at hotel in Kanazawa city
*Destinations within Kanazawa City are just examples, so you are free to specify any destination within the time limit.